Sunday, July 29, 2007

I have just discovered a new program called EminentHyip and they look pretty good to me.

Their Info:

We have consistently earned customer loyalty by staying ahead of the technological curve and providing unparalleled customer service. Our Seattle-based company joined the Best Buy family of companies in April 2007 and is now working with Best Buy For Business to champion technology for small businesses throughout the U.S.

EminentHYIP's innovative business model is developed to satisfy the most demanding professionals and mission-critical businesses. EminentHYIP customers continue to give our service an enthusiastic 99% satisfaction rating. You'll never hear a script when you call our customer support team. Instead you'll talk to dedicated problem-solvers who respect your time, understand your technology, and have the power to act on your behalf.

Dedicated Server
Anti-DDoS Hosting
Fast Payouts
Support: Admin@EminentHYIP.Com
FAX: +1347-438-3066

Click to Join Eminenthyip

They say they are New York Central Bank company and the company joined the Best Buy family of companies in April 2007 and is now working with Best Buy For Business.

I invested $200 to start and will keep you updated.